

An online video chat Bible study community.
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Outreach Community

Outreach Community is a video chat Bible study community. On Community, you can watch a live or archived Bible study session. You can join an existing Bible study as a member. You can lead a Bible study in your own Google Hangouts video chat room. Or, you can learn how to give Bible studies from an experienced Bible study instructor.

Our Convictions

  • We believe the whole world needs to know about Jesus Christ.
  • We believe everyone should have the opportunity to study the Bible together with others.
  • We believe God has gifted many individual Christian believers with the spiritual gifts of teaching, knowledge and leadership.
  • We believe every follower of Jesus Christ has the ability to inspire others to know God and love Him more.
  • We believe a small group setting is one of the best environments for a person to grow spiritually.
  • We believe the Internet provides a powerful and convenient way for believers to share the truths of God’s Word and to connect with others.

These are the passions that drive this project. If you share any of these convictions, we would greatly appreciate your financial support. 100% of donated funds go to the development and expansion of outreach community. With supporters like you, outreach community plans to impact the world for Jesus Christ -- one video chat room at a time.


Does it cost anything to lead or join a Bible study?

  • No. Outreach Community is a completely free site for both leaders and members.

Will Outreach Community work on my mobile device?

  • Yes. The video chat rooms in Outreach Community are powered by Google Hangouts. Hangouts is compatible across all platforms and devices.

Is there a Community app for my smartphone or tablet?

  • No, but you will need the Google Hangout app to use Community on your mobile device. You can download the App for you particular device here.

Since Community uses Google Hangouts, do I need a Google account to participate in a Bible study?

  • Yes. You will need a Google+ account. Google+ is free and easy to join and you can sign up here. You do not need Google account to watch a live or archived Bible study.